In Zawiercie emotions guaranteed! Thriller without happy end

Created: 18.11.2017


It was everything in that game. Moments of great play of both teams, huge emotions, controversies and referee’s challenges with many difficult decisions. Moreover fantastics cheering of the full sports hall in Blanowska street. After remarkable fourth set Aluron Virtu Warta Zawiercie knocked ONICO Warszawa down (25:16), leading to tie-break. In the last set after tough fight fortune has smiled on the visiting team and in Zawiercie stayed only one point to the league table.


Aluron Virtu Warta Zawiercie – ONICO Warszawa 2:3 (25:23, 18:25, 23:25, 25:16, 12:15)

Aluron Virtu Warta: Swodczyk 8, Pająk 0, Żuk 11, Zajder 10, Kaczorowski 3, de Leon 20, Koga (libero) and Bociek 15, Marcyniak 1, Popik 0, Andrzejewski (libero).

ONICO: Włodarczyk 13, Wrona 11, Gjorgiew 25, Kwolek 9, Nowakowski 7, Brizard 5, Wojtaszek (libero) and Vernon-Evans 2, Warda 1, Samica 0, Gruszczyński (libero).


fot. Krzysztof Popiół / Jurassic Photo Team


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Aluron CMC Warta Zawiercie

Aluron CMC Warta Zawiercie 2017 Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone Projekt & Realizacja Strony www Śląsk

Aluron CMC Warta Zawiercie